Mount Kenya University (MKU) is a Chartered University committed to a broad-based, holistic and inclusive system of education.
Mount Kenya University Main campus is located in Thika, with other campuses in Nairobi, Parklands, Mombasa, Nakuru, Eldoret, Nkubu, Meru, Kakamega and Kisii. The University has study centres in Malindi, Kisumu, Nyeri and Kericho and marketing offices in Garissa, Isiolo and Kitale
MKU has successfully established a partnership with like-minded institutions of higher learning around the globe. Currently, the University has over 50 partnerships and linkages at local, regional and international levels.
The University has three (3) institutes namely: Equip Africa Institute, Institute of Security, Justice and Ethics and Institute of Films, Performing and Creative Arts, one (1) College( Equip Africa College of Health Sciences) and 13 schools namely: Medical School; Public Health; Nursing; Clinical Medicine; Pharmacy; Law; Pure and Applied Sciences; Engineering Energy and Built Environment; Education; Computing and Informatics; Hospitality, Travel and Tourism Management; Social Sciences and School of Business and Economics.
In addition to the Commission for University Education, MKU programmes are accredited by the following professional bodies: Pharmacy and Poisons Board (PPB); The Kenya Nutritionists & Dieticians Institute (KNDI); Clinical Officers Council (COC); Kenya Medical Practitioners and Dentist Board (KMPDB); Public Health Officers and Technicians Council (PHOTC); Nursing Council of Kenya (NCK); Commission for Legal Education (CLE) and Kenya Medical Laboratory Technologist and Technicians Board (KMLTTB).
The Main Campus is located along General Kago Road, Thika. Thika town is about 45 kilometres from Kenya?s capital city, Nairobi.
MKU has 16 campuses and marketing centres spread both within the country and the greater East African region.
Why study at Mt Kenya University
With an emphasis on Science, technology, and humanities, Mount Kenya University offers an all-rounded education including moral and professional education to all persons irrespective of religion, race, gender or political affiliation, social or cultural background. It endeavors to develop well-trained manpower equipped with technological scientific knowledge and capacities from certificates, diplomas, undergraduate and postgraduate degree courses.
Vision: To be a Global Hub of Excellence in Education, Research, and Innovation.
Mission: To provide world-class education, research, and innovation for global transformation and sustainable development.
Philosophy: To harness knowledge in applied Sciences and Technology for the service of humanity.
The Mount Kenya University?s core values that form the basis of engagement,teaching and learning are:
- Innovation
- Integrity
- Academic Freedom
- Equity
- Competitiveness
Mt Kenya University - History
The idea behind the establishment of the University dates back to 1996 when the precursor of the University, the Thika Institute of Technology was founded as a Computer Outreach Program. At this point in time in Kenyan history, the development of Information Communication Technology (ICT) both Mobile Telephony and Computer Technology had started gaining upward momentum in rural and urban centers.
In the year 2000, the Institute developed into a commercial college offering management and computer training programs. Later in the year the Ministry of Education Science and Technology recognized the institute as a full-fledged institution of higher learning and granted it a full registration approval.
In order to remain relevant to the training needs of the society, the institute initiated training programs in the fields of paramedical, Information Technology, and Business and Entrepreneurship education in the year 2002.
In the year 2005, the Institute became the 1st private institution in Kenya to be allowed to train Pharmaceutical Technologists by the Pharmacy and Poisons Board of the Ministry of Health.
In the year 2006, the Commission for Higher Education (CHE) validated and approved the institute?s request for collaboration with JKUAT to offer both Diploma and Degree programs. The Institute continued to work closely with the Commission for Higher Education in line with the stipulated guidelines for establishing a privately funded university.
After fulfilling all the requirements as stipulated in the guidelines of establishing a privately funded university (1989 rules), the Commission for Higher Education issued MKU with the authority to establish a full-fledged privately funded university with Thika Institute of Technology as its precursor/forerunner.
Pay Us a visit
Main campus General Kago Road, Thika. NAIROBI MARKETING OFFICEMt Kenya University
Afya Centre Mezzanine 2,
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Programs offered at Mt Kenya University
Banking and Finance Certificate
Business Administration
Information Technology
Medical Laboratory Technology
Human Resource Management
Business Management
Business Management
Default Program
Professional Course
Certified Information Communication Technologist
Professional Course
Certified Public Accountants (CPA)