The Bachelor of Education (Science) program is designed to produce professionally qualified teachers who will be competent in teaching science subjects in Secondary Schools and middle-level colleges. The program has been developed in line with the requirements of the country?s secondary education system and the international standards on the graduate teacher training curriculum.
In the first year, students must take mathematics and chemistry, and any other (physics and botany/zoology) as content subjects.
In the second year of study, a student drops one of the content subjects and pursues the remaining two, one as a major and the other as a minor. The major subject is that which the student is expected to teach up to form four (IV) level of secondary school, and must therefore spend more time covering its content. For the minor subject, the student is normally taught up to form II level and the content coverage is, therefore, less and is normally completed by the end of the third year of study. The professional courses (methodology) for the two subjects are given equal emphasis.
Entry Requirements
To be eligible for admission into the Bachelor of Education Arts program candidates must satisfy the minimum University entry requirements of mean grade C+.
In addition to meeting the minimum University general admission requirements, candidates for the BEd Arts degree program must have any of the following:
- Mean grade C+ at KCSE or equivalent with at least C+ in any two (2) Arts subjects;
- KACE or equivalent with at least two principal passes and a subsidiary
- KCSE with a mean grade of C (Plain) or above and a Diplom in education with at least C+ in any two (2) teaching subjects.
- P1 Grade trained primary school teacher with a mean grade C (plain) or above at KCSE with at least C+ in any two (2) teaching subjects.
Objectives of Bachelor of Education Science
The Bachelor of Education (Science) Degree Programme is intended to prepare teachers for secondary schools. However, it is also suitable for people who are involved in educational management and training in tertiary institutions both in the public and private sectors. In addition, some subject combinations provide competency in Research, Planning, and Management of science and technology institutions as well as technological research practices. Students who go through the program can also become trainers in tertiary institutions as well as institutions of higher learning.
The curriculum for the BEd (Science) Programme is designed to provide adequate opportunities in both theory and practice of Education in order to train and produce qualified graduate teachers/Educators for the achievement of the national goals of Education and development.
The Programme will prepare students:
- for an active and excellent career in all facets of the profession of Education;
- to be active and competent in teaching two subjects at the secondary school level;
- to be able to identify and develop the intellectual needs of the learner;
- To gain the intellectual, professional and social characteristics that will enable them to become responsible leaders within the school and the community;
- to contribute meaningfully to the national goals of Education and development;
- to conduct training and carry out research in Education and in their areas of specialization and
- for further Education and training in their areas of interest and specialization.
What you will study
First Year - First Semester
- Basic Calculus I
- Basic Physics I
- Basic Chemistry I
- Basic Botany I
- Basic Zoology I
- Communications Skills I
- Quantitative Skills
- Development Concepts and Applications
- Introduction to Education I
Second Semester
- Geometry and Elementary Applied Mathematics
- Basic Physics II
- Basic Chemistry II
- Basic Botany II
- Basic zoology II
- Communication Skills II
- Introduction to Education II
Second Year - First Semester
- Calculus II
- Linear Algebra I
- Vector Analysis
- Probability and Statistics
- Atomic Structure and Bonding
- Basic Analytic Chemistry
- Introduction to Mathematics
- Vibration and Waves
- Cryptogamic Botany
- Genetics and Evaluations
- Invertebrate Zoology
- Introduction Animal Ecology
- General Education Psychology
- General Methods of Teaching
- Philosophy of Education
- State, Society, and Development
Third Year - First Semester
- Linear Algebra I
- Real Analysis I
- Ordinary Differential Equations I
- Numerical Analysis 1
- Advanced Probability and Statistics
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Mathematics Physics
- Classical Mechanics
- Optics
- Electronics
- Chemistry of the S and P Block Elements
- Organic Synthesis
- Surface and Colloid Chemistry
- Analytic Techniques in Structure Determination
- Morphogenesis and Development Anatomy
- Psychology
- Genetics
- Botany field course
- Genetics and Evolution
- Special Methods in Mathematics
- Special Methods in Biology
- Special Methods in Chemistry
- Special Methods in Physics
- Human Growth and Development
- Animal Genetics and Evolution
- Development Biology
- Physiology and Histology
- Cell and Molecular Biology
- Evolutionary Biology
- Arthropod Biology
Second Semester
- Real Analysis II
- Complex Analysis I
- Algebra
- Linear Algebra II
- Introduction to Computer Science
- Computer Programming
- Introduction to Quantum Mechanics
- Electromagnetism 1
- Introduction to Solid State Physics
- Introduction to Material Science
- Introduction to Kinematics and Thermodynamics
- Co-ordination Chemistry
- Analytical Techniques Instructure Determination
- Alicyclic and Heterocyclic Chemistry
- Electro Chemistry
- Plant Ecology II
- Plant Taxonomy
- Microbiology I
- Plant Physiology I
- Cytogenetics
- Phycology
- Vertebrate Zoology
- Development Biology
- Entrepreneurship
- Media Practical
- Educational Measurement and Evaluation
- Human Growth & Development
Fourth Year - First Semester
- Vibration and Waves
- Electromagnetism II
- Electronic Properties of Solids
- Thermal Physics
- Applied Material Science
- Electromagnetism II
- Thermal Physics
- Renewable Source of Energy
- Tests of Hypothesis
- Chemical Reactivity and Mechanisms
- Transition Metal Chemistry
- Medicinal Chemistry
- Mycology I
- Mycology II
- Plant Cell Biology
- Ecological anatomy
- Immunology I
- Terrestrial Ecology I
- Entomology I
- Physiology I
- Data Processing
Second Semester
- Methods 1
- Advanced Calculus
- Field Theory
- Tests of Hypothesis
- Probability and Computer science
- Probability and Statistics 11
- Operation Research 1
- Real Analysis 11
- Mycology
- Mycology
- Plant Cell Biology
- Ecological Anatomy
- Immunology I
- Terrestrial Ecology I
- Vertebrate Zoology I
- History and Philosophy Biology
- Aquatic Ecology II
- Entomology II
- Ichthyology
- Development Project Appraisal
- Educational Planning and Economics
- Human Behavior and Learning
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