Bachelors Degree
Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management at Meru University of Science and Technology
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Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management is a 4 years Bachelors Degree examined by Commision for University Education.
Meru University of Science and Technology is a Public University located in Tigania West Consituency and is accredited by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) to offer this Bachelors Degree in Bachelor of Science in Human Resource Management program.
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Entry Requirements
- Mean grade of KCSE C+ or equivalent with at least C in Mathematics and English.
- An A-Level certificate with 2 principal passes and a credit pass in Mathematics at O-Level
- Degree from a recognized university.
- Mean grade of C (plain) at KCSE and C (plain) in Mathematics and English plus a Diploma in Human Resource Management and/or a diploma relevant to disciplines in business.
- Mean grade of C- (C Minus) at KCSE plus a certificate and a diploma in Human resource management and/or a certificate and diploma relevant to disciplines in business.