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Professional Course

Certified Credit Professional (CCP) at Summit Institute of Professionals

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Certified Credit Professional (CCP) is a 3 years Professional Course examined by KASNEB.
Summit Institute of Professionals is a Private College located in Likoni Consituency and is accredited by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) to offer this Professional Course in Certified Credit Professional (CCP) program.

Entry Requirements

A person seeking to be registered as a student for the CCP examination must show evidence of being a holder of one of the following qualifications:

  • Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) examination with an aggregate average of at least grade C plus (C+).
  • kasneb technician, diploma or professional examination certificate.
  • A degree from a recognised university.
  • Such other certificates or diplomas as may be approved by kasneb.

Persons intending to take the November/December examinations must register as students not later than 15 September while those intending to take the May/June examinations must register as students not later than 15 March.
kasneb reserves the right to refuse to register any applicant who in its opinion is not fit and proper to be registered as a student. Similarly, kasneb reserves the right to cancel the registration of any student who in its opinion is not fit and proper to be a student of kasneb.

Exemptions may, on application, be granted to registered students who are holders of certain degrees and diplomas recognised by kasneb. Exemptions will be granted on a paper by paper basis.
Retention of Credits
There are six sections in the CCP examination. Each section has three papers. Papers taken and passed in a section shall be retained as credits for the candidate provided that the candidate fulfils the requirements set out below:

  • The candidate must enter and attempt all the papers in a section unless the candidate is exempted from some papers in the section or has earned credits in previous attempts.
  • A candidate who is awarded one or two credits in a section must enter and pass the failed paper(s) in the section within two and a half (2 1/2) years or five (5) consecutive sittings failure to which the candidate will be required to resit all the papers in the section.

Progression Rule

  • A candidate must attempt and pass the CCP Part I examination before proceeding to the CCP Part II examination.
  • A candidate must attempt and pass the CCP Part II examination before proceeding to the CCP Part III examination.
  • A candidate will not be allowed to enter a higher section in a part before completing the lower section unless the candidate has been referred in the higher section or has entered the two sections simultaneously
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