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Private College

Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors

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Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors is a Private College located in Westlands Consituency.
Updated on 12-Nov-2024
Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors

Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors (KAPC) is a registered Non-governmental organization. It was registered in 1990 and has 3 major functions:

  • Membership association
  • Counselling services
  • Academic training courses

Membership Association

KAPC invites people with an active interest in counselling to join. Members benefit from a range of activities and services.

Counselling Services

KAPC provides professional counselling services to private individuals, businesses, and international organizations. The services include individual, couple and group counselling.

Professional Training Courses

A range of professional academic counselling courses is offered; progressing from Certificate to Diploma. Short term courses are also available covering specific topics of interest.

Our vision: To be the leading organisation in professional counselling and adolescent behaviour change through the provision of training, information, research and membership activities in sub-Saharan Africa.

Our mission: To promote opportunities for change and empower and support individuals during the process of change

Our Core Values

  • Honesty
  • Integrity
  • Respect
  • Empathy
  • Team Work

Why study at Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors

Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors (KAPC) has a proven track record in counselor training for over 29 years with extensive training outreach across 17 countries in Sub Saharan Africa region.

KAPC is registered as a TVET training institution under the Ministry of Education and is accredited as an assessment centre by Curriculum Development Accreditation and Certification Council (TVET/CDACC).

KAPC has entered into capacity-building partnerships with key organisations such as Africa Capacity Alliance (ACA) on capacity building in the East and South Africa region, for the last 20 years. African Regional Capacity Build Network for HIV/AIDS Prevention, Treatment, and Care (1996 ? 2002).

KAPC has:

  • A serene, conducive learning environment
  • Well equipped Library and Information Communication resource Centre with a 24-hour uninterrupted internet access for students
  • Subsidized professional counseling for students
  • Fully equipped rooms for skills practice on audio and video
  • Experienced, highly qualified, and CDACC accredited team of trainers and assessors
  • Affordable Fees and friendly installment arrangement

KAPC has been working on programmes targeting persons with disabilities for close to 20 years. Specifically, this has included:

  • Training programmes for persons with various disabilities, physical, hearing, visual, mentally challenged, etc.
  • Training programmes in sign language, basic and interpreter levels.
  • Awareness creation and sensitization programmes to the general population on the issues pertaining to persons with disabilities.
  • Installation of appropriate technologies and software for the target population.
  • Inclusion programmes and in recent years KAPC has engaged in advocacy programmes on the rights of the differently-abled population. Development of material that is friendly to this population.

Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors - History

Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors (KAPC)  started in 1990.

It grew out of a sponsored counsellor training programme and was formed because a specific need of providing professional support for counsellors was identified.

KAPC responded to the demand for all kinds of counselling services. We grew exponentially and now provide the full range of services to promote professional counselling.

Many of our first activities were research projects that focused on providing counselling services and training. We also concentrated upon young people and their particular needs.

Programs offered at Kenya Association of Professional Counsellors