The establishment of the National Integrity Academy by the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission (EACC) stems from Commission?s mandate to combat and prevent corruption, economic crime and unethical practices as stipulated in Sections 11 and 13 of the EACC Act, 2011. In addition, Section 53 of the Leadership and Integrity Act, 2012 provides for the provision of long-term education and training on leadership and integrity to: all public officers, all levels of the education system and the public. Furthermore, Section 11(i) of the EACC Act, 2011 mandates the EACC to raise public awareness on ethical issues and educate the public on the dangers of corruption.
In 2016, the EACC conducted a countrywide Training Needs Assessment (TNA), which revealed that the National and County governments needed specialized anti-corruption and ethics capacity building for purposes of entrenching good governance; mainstreaming anti-corruption and integrity; and sealing corruption loopholes at the institutional level. Therefore, the National Integrity Academy seeks to fulfil these needs in view of the dynamic nature of knowledge evolution in the area of ethics, governance and anti-corruption. The Academy will seek to meet the prevailing needs in the region as well. It is envisioned that through the Academy, there will be mindset and culture change.
Purpose of establishing the Academy:
The Academy is set to provide specialized ethics, integrity, Leadership, Good Governance and Anti- Corruption training to both the public and private sector institutions in the country and the region.
The overall goal is to entrench a culture of integrity and create an ethical and value-driven society that upholds integrity and rule of law by influencing mind-sets, attitudes and behaviour of the Kenyan and regional citizens.
Target Audience
The Academy offers services to internal and external Clients. The Academy serves six main target groups:
- Commission Officers and Staff ? The Academy will be responsible of providing adequate training of all EACC officers and staff aimed at improving their abilities in executing their duties with efficiency and professionalism.
- Government officials (Public Officers) in the area of ethics, governance and anti-corruption.
- Learning and training institutions ?public and private
- Private Sector Organizations or corporate bodies
- Civil Society Sector professionals and Professionals bodies
- International participants/institutions in the region dealing with anti-corruption and Enforcement Agencies
The Academy aims to empower state and non-state actors on matters ethics and integrity in order to:
- improve institutional governance for transparency and accountability;
- enhance efficiency in service delivery in the public and private sector;
- reduce the incidence of corruption and unethical conduct;
- improve institutional governance for transparency and accountability;
- re-engineering values for a transformed society
- enhance efficiency in service delivery in the public and private sector; and
- create and maintain partnerships in the fight against corruption and unethical conduct.
Why study at National Integrity Academy
The National Integrity Academy offers cutting-edge and specialized courses on ethics, integrity and anti-corruption as relates to many professional and functional areas of organizations. The courses are designed to respond to the ever-changing anti-corruption and ethics environment and client needs. The courses are intended to acquaint participants with the negative impact of corruption on the people and the nation and its cost to the society, the anti-corruption legal framework that criminalize bribery and corruption, how to help recognize and mitigate associated risks and how to promote personal, professional and organizational integrity.
The courses offered at the Academy seek to ensure that ethics and integrity become values lived by everyone within an organization; that service delivery is optimal and that employees offer professional service upholding public trust and that the principle of common good vis a vis private interest or advantage is upheld. The courses offered have adopted a Competency Based Approach.
The uniqueness about the Academy programmes is that participants have the opportunity to interact and learn from renowned anti-corruption, ethics and governance experts and practitioners drawn from the country, region and across the globe. The programmes allow participants to enrich their knowledge through group work, best practice, case studies, problem solving, critical thinking and interactive exercises and excursions.
Some of the courses offered by the National Integrity Academy include:
- Leadership and Integrity for Executive Manager;
- Corruption Prevention in Supply Chain Management,
- Corruption Prevention in Public Sector Financial Management;
- Investigation Course for Law Enforcement Officers
- Ethics and Integrity Course for Education Managers,
- Integrity Assurance Officers Programme,
- Certified Ethics Officers Course among others.
The Academy also plans to launch academic programmes on Ethics and Anti-corruption at Certificate, Diploma, Degree and Post- graduate level at an appropriate time.
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