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Private College

Kenya Institute of Business and Counseling Studies

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Kenya Institute of Business and Counseling Studies is a Private College located in Likoni Consituency.
Updated on 12-Nov-2024
Kenya Institute of Business and Counseling Studies

Kenya Institute of Business and Counselling Studies (KIBCo) is a TVET Institution which started in January 2004 by the name Maranatha College of Professional Studies (MCPS).

KIBCo is affiliated to the Maranatha International Counseling Foundation (MICF) which is registered under section 10 of the Non- Governmental Organizations Co-ordination Act. MICF offers Bio-psychosocial services to vulnerable communities and peoples for their psychological well-being.

KIBCo has campuses in Nairobi and Thika running both school based and Open Distance Learning (ODL) programs.

KIBCo is accredited  by Ministry of Education,Science and Technology (MOEST), Nationaal Indurstrial Training Authority (NITA), Kenya Accountants and Secretaries National Examination Board (KASNEB), Institute of Commercial Management (ICM), Kenya Counselling and Psychology (KCPA) and The Colombo Plan Drug Advisory Program, Sri Lanka in running Universal Treatment Curriculum (UTC), Universal Prevention Curriculum (UPC), and National Aids and STIs Control Programme (NASCOP).

Our Vision: To be a leading institution in career development and life skills empowerment, with a focus on personal integrity and positive social change.

Our MissionKIBCo seeks to provide quality training, education, research, publications, counselling and clinical supervision services

Our Core Values

  • Professionalism
  • Integrity 
  • Innovation 
  • Care and support

Kenya Institute of Business and Counseling Studies - History

Kenya Institute of Business and Counselling Studies (KIBCo) was registered as a limited liability company on 10th May, 2005. 

In 2010, KIBCo was fully registered with the Ministry of Education, Science and Technology (MOHEST) as a TVET training institution.

Programs offered at Kenya Institute of Business and Counseling Studies