The Co-operative University of Kenya (CUK) is a leading center for quality co-operative education, training, research, and consultancy in Kenya.
CUK is a public institution that provides education and training with an emphasis on Cooperative development. It provides consultancy and research services to the Cooperative sector and related economies. Specifically, CUK is mandated to execute the following functions:-
- To advance learning and knowledge through teaching, research, and consultancy on all matters relating to cooperative development, community development, rural transformation, business studies, information, and communication technology at the national and international level;
- To provide directly, or in collaboration with other institutions of higher learning, facilities for University education (including vocational, professional, and scientific education), the integration of teaching, research, and effective application of knowledge and skills to the life, work, and welfare of the citizens of Kenya;
- To participate in the discovery, transmission and preservation, and enhancement of knowledge and to stimulate the intellectual participation of students in the economic, social-cultural, scientific, and technological development of Kenya;
- To provide and advance university education and training to appropriately qualified candidates, leading to the conferment of degrees and award of diplomas and certificates and such other qualifications as the Council and the Senate shall from time to time determine;
- To conduct examinations for such academic awards as may be provided in the Statutes pertaining to the University;
- To examine and make proposals for new faculties, schools, institutes, departments, resource and research centers, degree courses, and subjects of study;
- To play a leading role in the development and expansion of the opportunities for higher education and research in agribusiness, Co-operatives, and associative economy;
- To develop as an institution of excellence in teaching, training, scholarship, entrepreneurship, innovation, research, and consultancy services;
- To participate in commercial ventures and other activities to the benefit of the institution, the community, and stakeholders;
- To offer Co-operative education, research, and training for various categories of personnel of the Co-operative movement, government Officers, and general public to serve as a Centre of academic excellence in the Co-operative movement in the region;
- To develop and provide educational, cultural, professional, technical, and vocational services to the community and in particular foster corporate social responsibility;
- To provide programs, products, and services in ways that reflects the principles of equity and social justice;
- To facilitate student mobility between different programs at different training institutions, universities, and industry; and
- To foster the general welfare of all staff and students.
CUK was established as a Constituent College of Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (JKUAT) via Legal Notice No. 161 of 2011.
The Predecessor College was a Semi-Autonomous Government agency (SAGA) under the Ministry of Co-operative Development and Marketing.
The college was initially offering Certificate and Diploma courses, but since 2005, we have successfully offered the Bachelor of Co-operative Business degree in collaboration with (JKUAT). In September 2012, the college admitted the pioneer group of JAB students for the Bachelor of Co-operative Business and Bachelor of Commerce degrees.
Objective: To develop a Globally competitive Co-operative University that is excellent in Education, Training, Research, Innovation, and Outreach.
Mission: To Provide Education, Training, Research, and Consultancy In Order To Produce Leaders in the Fields of Co-operative Development, Community Development, Rural Transformation, Business, Applied Sciences, Information, and Communication Technology for Development.
Vision: A leading University in Co-operative Training, Education, Research, and Innovation.
MOTTO: Quality Co-operative Training.
Why study at Co-operative University of Kenya
CUK is a public institution that provides education and training with an emphasis on Cooperative development. It provides consultancy and research services to the Cooperative sector and related economies. Specifically, CUK is mandated to execute the following functions:
- To advance learning and knowledge through teaching, research, and consultancy on all matters relating to cooperative development, community development, rural transformation, business studies, information, and communication technology at the national and international level;
- To provide directly, or in collaboration with other institutions of higher learning, facilities for University education (including vocational, professional, and scientific education), the integration of teaching, research, and effective application of knowledge and skills to the life, work, and welfare of the citizens of Kenya;
- To participate in the discovery, transmission and preservation, and enhancement of knowledge and to stimulate the intellectual participation of students in the economic, social-cultural, scientific, and technological development of Kenya;
- To provide and advance university education and training to appropriately qualified candidates, leading to the conferment of degrees and award of diplomas and certificates and such other qualifications as the Council and the Senate shall from time to time determine;
- To conduct examinations for such academic awards as may be provided in the Statutes pertaining to the University;
- To examine and make proposals for new faculties, schools, institutes, departments, resource and research centers, degree courses, and subjects of study;
- To play a leading role in the development and expansion of the opportunities for higher education and research in agribusiness, Co-operatives, and associative economy;
- To develop as an institution of excellence in teaching, training, scholarship, entrepreneurship, innovation, research, and consultancy services;
- To participate in commercial ventures and other activities to the benefit of the institution, the community, and stakeholders;
- To offer Co-operative education, research, and training for various categories of personnel of the Co-operative movement, government Officers, and general public to serve as a Centre of academic excellence in the Co-operative movement in the region;
- To develop and provide educational, cultural, professional, technical, and vocational services to the community and in particular foster corporate social responsibility;
- To provide programs, products, and services in ways that reflects the principles of equity and social justice;
- To facilitate student mobility between different programs at different training institutions, universities, and industry; and
- To foster the general welfare of all staff and students.
Co-operative University of Kenya - History
The first co-operative in Kenya was founded by the Colonial Government. This was a typical British Co-operative Business Model which sidelined Africans from the mainstream economy. Such state of affairs was to be sustained albeit with slight flexibility during the struggle towards independence. That is how in 1952 the school of cooperation was started at the then Jeans School (now Kenya School of Government) which saw the three East African countries: Kenya, Uganda, and Tanzania/Tanganyika establish the school to ensure the uniqueness of the Co-operative Business Model was preserved.
The Co-operative College of Kenya was born in 1967:
In 1967, the Co-operative College of Kenya was born with 40 students at Allen Road, the present Daystar University Campus next to Kenyatta National Hospital which gave way to the construction of the present Co-operative College located at Ushirika Road, Karen.
Mzee Jomo Kenyatta laid a foundation stone of the college 1970 (June 18th ) :
The first President of the Republic of Kenya, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta laid a foundation stone of the college as currently evidenced by the foundation stone at the main entrance towards the Nordic Assembly Hall.
The college was able to host three diploma courses 1974 ? 1982 :
The principal reports that "the tempo of the growth of the college was on the upward trend" ( COCK Annual Report, 1974). College facilities were expanded to cope with the rising demand for cooperative business education and training ( COCK Annual Report, 1978). The college was able to host three diploma courses; the highest most esteemed college education level ( COCK Annual Report, 1979)( COCK Annual Report, 1974). Construction works began in 1978 and were completed in 1980 ( COCK Annual Report, 1980). Performance in all college courses was recorded as satisfactory and encouraging with very low failure rates ( COCK Annual Report, 1982).
The mission of the college was defined in 1983 :
The mission of the college was defined and stated as, a national training institute involved in the training personnel of co-operative societies and unions as well as middle cadre government officers who help in the supervision of activities of the movement on behalf of the Ministry of Co-operative Development ( COCK Annual Report, 1983).
The College launched its first-degree program in 2005 :
The College launched its first-degree program, the Bachelor of Co-operative Business in collaboration with Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology (College prospectus,2005).
The University College is awarded her Charter 2016 (October 7th) :
The University College is awarded her Charter by the fourth President of the Republic of Kenya, His Excellency, Uhuru Kenyatta; coincidentally the son of the first president, Mzee Jomo Kenyatta who laid the foundation stone for the college establishment. It became The Co-operative University of Kenya and the first one of its own kind.
Pay Us a visit
Located about 20km from Nairobis CBD in the leafy and serene Karen suburb.We operate four campuses:
- Langata campus,
- Nairobi town campus,
- Meru campus
- Mombasa campus
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Programs offered at Co-operative University of Kenya
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Default Program
Bachelors Degree
Bachelor of Science in Agribusiness Management
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Bachelor of Science in Information Technology
Bachelors Degree
Bachelor of Commerce
Bachelors Degree
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
Bachelors Degree