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Private College

Al - Munawwarah College


Al - Munawwarah College is a Private College located in Mvita Consituency and is accredited by the Technical and Vocational Education and Training Authority (TVETA) to offer Diploma and Certificate programs.

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About Al - Munawwarah College

Al-Munawwarah College is a middle-level college that strives for excellence in Islamic character and education and this has made our College a unique institution for Muslims in Kenya.

Al-Munawwarah College is partnering with the International University of Africa to offer higher education in Islamic Studies, Shari?ah, and Arabic language as well as Al-Maarifa College & Khartoum International University to offer B.A. in Education (Arabic Language).

Al-Munawwarah College is located at Majengo Msaji; Off Jomo Kenyatta Avenue, Opposite Red Brick Hotel. Near Shell Petrol Station. Mombasa, Kenya.

Why study at Al - Munawwarah College

Al-Munawwarah College is partnering with International University of Africa to offer higher education in Islamic Studies, Shari?ah and Arabic language as well as Al-Maarifa College & Khartoum International University to offer B.A. in Education (Arabic Language).

Programs offered at Al - Munawwarah College


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Certificate ABE

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Certificate SELF

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Certificate ABE

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Certificate SELF

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International Computer Driving License

Certificate ICDL

International Computer Driving Licence (ICDL) is the leading computer proficiency skills programme that is recognised internationallyThis ICDL certificate programme is suitable for anyone who wants to become fully competent in...

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